FREE Sports Physicals – 3/16/16

February 26, 2016

Winter sports are winding down, but spring is just around the corner.  Parents and athletes are preparing for their next sport in many ways – new equipment, practicing their skills, etc.  Yet there’s something in that preparation that is often overlooked by parents and coaches until the last minute – something that’s required by most schools and organizations – a proper physical exam.  Having a physical before playing sports is vitally important to ensuring that a child is healthy enough to participate.

Nothing feels worse than trying to scramble for a last-minute appointment for a sports physical.  If you know your child needs an updated physical, we can help.  The Safe Sports Network will be offering FREE sports physicals by our orthopedic experts on Wednesday, March 16th at the New Hampshire Orthopaedic Center in Bedford (9 Washington Place).  The physicals are open to any school-aged athlete of the Greater Manchester area, ages 10-and-up.  You can easily pre-register your child online (deadline is March 9th) at the following link:  Walk-ins are also welcome, but preference is given to pre-registered athletes first.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to receive a quality sports physical at no cost!  You can visit for more information.